Mar 1, 2007

Parameterized Properties in C#

To create Parameterized Properties in C# one can only use a Indexer (the default parameterized property... this[]). However if we wanted to store an array of a particular type one could use the following which would be a parameterized property itself.:

public string[] CardsDescription
if (this.ViewState["CardsDescription"] == null)
this.ViewState["CardsDescription"] = new System.String[3];
return (string[])this.ViewState["CardsDescription"];
return (string[])this.ViewState["CardsDescription"];
this.ViewState["CardsDescription"] = value;

Thus when setting values you would use

int index = 0;
foreach(System.Data.DataRow dr in productDT.Rows)
int productID = int.Parse(dr["ProductID"].ToString());

this.CardsDescription[index] = dr["Description"].ToString();

index += 1;

kick it on

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