First task is to generate the XSD (schema) file that needs to be added inorder to enable intellisense.
use the following Nant .build script to generate the nant.xsd file:
<project name="nant" default="go">
<property name="NAntContrib" value="c:\rohit\nantcontrib-0.85\bin" />
<target name="go">
<loadtasks assembly="${NAntContrib}\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
<nantschema output="nant.xsd" target-ns=""/>
Build this script using nant:
nant /
This will create the nant.xsd file.
Copy this file nant.xsd to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml' on your system, or if you are using VS2005 then copy to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Xml\Schemas".
In your NAnt build file (I make my with the extension .build) include this xmlns attribute:
Now you will get intellisense for all nant tasks as well nant contrib tasks.
To add the Nant Addin for VS2005.
Download Nant addin from:
Create a directory for Visual Studio Addins ex : "%Program Files%/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Addins" Copy the NAntAddin directory along with the "NAntAddin.AddIn" file into it.
open VS2005. click Tools\Options.
Click on Envrironment\"Add-in/Macros Security"
Then click "Add" to add the "%Program Files%/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Addins" directory.
Restart VS 2005.
Then click Tools\Add-in Manager.
Then check the checkbox against "NantAddin".
Now you will be able to run nant scripts or part of it directly from within VS2005.

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